Monday, April 7, 2008


Well here i am.
Where ?? Blogging sphere man. Well amazing this was the last stuff on earth that i intent to do but after much tracking bhale and miss un-know blogs i realized that even i can/should blogg. Well this is no offence meant for either of two. They inspired me in their own way.
  • Bhale -> is close enough to be friend, he inspired first by compiling awesome blogg and then pestering me to join in the band. well thanks bhale for your brave effort. Getting a programmer out of his programming routine is kinda accomplishment.

  • Miss un-know -> well i mean no-one to her neither she means anything to me. But then there's certain qualities of few people that glare like sun. As i asid to her, she makes mundane common stuff look vivid & colourfull.Read this post of her, and i bet there's hardly a way you can resist blogging. But then its all exaggerated.

Well thats they, but i am i.

Leisure is something i, we and you like. Reading blog is same, its pleasure to learn about others (without the pain of asking them). But blogging is tough, you need to put your thoughts into words (god help me in doing that). But all this is not much of problem, the real problem is someting very subtle (But i will declare it).

Real reason for not blogging :D
i am a hard core programmer, i was intending to build my own website which would have its own blog section (but blame it on my busy schedule), and would never appreciate myself using blogspot for blogging (though its made specifcally for this). Well thats my funda. But still i will blog, help the world learn abt me and unserstand me (if anybody cares to do so :D).

Someday i will rise to the level of regular blogger, then i can say "haoo" (reference movie 300). In the name of blogg and almighty google. i will blog.


Carpe Diem... said...

Dood, thanks for the encouraging words you mentioned about me...
Seems my pestering has worked..
I'm Glad !!!
And I urge you to grudgingly use blogspot, until the day when your website's blog section is up and runing.... then you just transfer your musings from blogspot to your site...

~ Ankit Bhalerao ~

Nasia said...

Thanks a lot.. :) so are u saying.. if i can blog.. anyone in this world can.. :) anyways thanks a lot..